On the border of Spain and France lay the Pyrenees Mountains. In these mountains, in what is technically either French or Spanish territory, reside a group of 3 million people called the Basque. These people have a unique, 1000-year-old culture (which includes their own language and customs) that is one of the oldest known cultures in all European history. The countries of France and Spain have both allowed limited autonomy for the so-called 'Basque Country", including its own police force and local forms of government. Over the last 50 years, however, the territory has seen a huge increase in the numbers of non-Basque migrants moving there for work, and both the Spanish and French governments have established policies that significantly limit the use of the Basque language in Basque Country schools, websites, televised events, and government publications. Certain Basque Nationalists (or, separatists) would like complete independence for their homeland.
In a paragraph, based on your lessons about what the European Union stands for, argue what you believe the EU should do about the Basque Nationalist cries for an independent, separate Basque country. Keep in mind that both France and Spain are full members in the EU. Based on what the European Union stands for, where do the other EU countries' responsibilities lie: with the Basque people, or with the central governments of France and Spain?
Also, post a paragraph-long comment on another student's entry explaining why you disagree with his or her argument. Defend your disagreement by explaining your position on a similar case regarding separatism in American history: where did the federal government of America's responsibilities rest in this comparative case? (Examples includes Native Americans, Black Nationalists, the Confederate States in the Civil War, etc.)
This assignment is due by Mon., Feb. 24 at 8:15 a.m..