Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Example: OJ gets away with it, again!

Our justice system can be flawed, but it is the best we have.  The overwhelming majority of Americans think OJ Simpson was guilty, but the justice system played out to the best of its abilities.  My primary issue now is that OJ is being paid millions of dollars to write a book called "If I Did It", in which he 'hypothetically' details how he would have murdered the 2 victims, including his ex-wife.  This is pathetic.  How can anyone who rooted for OJ, anyone who wants to see African-American children achieve more success as adults, be happy for a man who is basically waving his "I got away with murder" sign?  How in God's name is OJ Simpson a role model for African-American youth??  (Post-note:  The money paid by the book publisher to Simpson has since been given by the courts to the families of the victims in the original murder case.)

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